Apply a little amount of cream on the scar area and massage it gently. This should be done through mild finger pressure. Massage with hand palm has less precision compared to fingers and also cream absorption in the palm will lead to its wastage. For better result, massage should be done in all directions, both vertically and horizontally (like a cross). When massaging, the cream integrates with skin scabs causing the cream to gradually thicken and dry up in a way that you can feel a dry and viscose sensation beneath your fingers which ultimately reduces the massaging speed.
The amount of cream should be sufficient for 1.5 minutes of massaging. If the scar area is large, it is better to apply cream on each 5 centimeters separately. This way, the massage will be performed with better precision giving you better control over the speed and pressure. This also prevents drying of the cream on the scar’s margins. Massaging with excessive pressure and speed could irritate the scar and increase itching.
Precaution: If scar bleeding occurs (for example due to a cut by shaving razor blade, injury, etc.) massaging the cream in to this part of the scar may actually prolongs the healing period; therefore, do not apply Rejuderm Scar Cream if the area is injured, rather, wait until injuries and its surrounding area are fully healed.